台股2024/03/08突破2萬點札記(113.3.9)Notes on Taiwan stocks breaking through 20,000 points on 2024/03/08 (113.3.9)

今年度首度見證了台股史上未有的高光時刻,台股衝上2萬點突破了天際線直上外太空,自新年度開始台積電(2330)隨著美國費城半導體指數創歷史新高後,一開始即自588元價位躍上600元以上,盤整一段時間後,農曆年後開紅盤後台積電跳空大漲至700元以上,至昨日更創下了歷史新高價796元,台股指數也一度站上了2萬點大關,創下了史上最大量 7828.25億元,惟上漲家數遠遠低於跌家數,獲利出場氣氛濃厚。近半年來短線投資者投資電子股及半導體股可謂收獲滿滿,另外部分存股標的如00878、英業達、緯創意外成為飆股令人嘖嘖稱奇! For the first time this year, we witnessed an unprecedented highlight moment in the history of the Taiwan stock market. The Taiwan stock market hit 20,000 points and broke through the skyline straight into outer space. Since the beginning of the new year, TSMC (2330) has hit a record high with the Philadelphia Semiconductor Index in the United States. At the beginning, the price jumped from 588 yuan to more than 600 yuan. After a period of consolidation, after the Lunar New Year, the red market opened and the chip gapped up to more than 700 yuan. As of yesterday, it hit a record high price of 796 yuan. The Taiwan stock index also once stood at 100 yuan. It reached the 20,000-point mark, setting a record of 782.825 billion yuan,...